Friday, June 25, 2010

Made the Grade: Doctors in Training Series, Book 3

Format: Paperback | Pages: 217 | Release Date: July 2010 | Publisher: Silhouette Books

"The Doctor's Undoing" [Doctors in Training Series, Book 3] by Gina Wilkins

My Book Summary : Haley and Ron are friends, medical students in their 3rd year of training, and they are on the same rotation while their other friends from the study group their in are somewhere else. Ron has grown up not knowing if he would be able to amount to much, and because of that anytime something tough happens to him he walks away from it before it gets too hard. Which is also what he applies to every aspect of his life from what he does for a job, how he makes it through medical school, and in his personal life with the woman he dates. Haley is what Ron calls a "cheerleader", as soon as he or anyone around them starts complaining about giving up she is right their to cheer them up and on to the next course of their schooling. Because of their different, point-of-views they have had their share of fights/arguments during their study sessions. However, since the beginning of their 3rd year, they have been on better terms then they usually are.

With all their friends in different rotations, except for each other, they become closer in working together and studying with each other. So much so that they both try fighting their attraction at first because they don't want to ruin their friendship. But after that first kiss, Ron is committed to Haley wanting to see where this will take them. Now he just needs to convince Haley that just because his motto usually is to ‘walk away when things get tough’ doesn't mean he plans to ever walk away from her.

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars. This is my first doctor book and as short as the book was I really liked how smoothly it guided it's scenes to fit in more detail then I originally expected. Lets just say I was pleasantly surprised. =0)

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Almost Famous

Book Teaser(s) :
He was starting to sound annoyed, and she bit back any more expressions of concern that he seemed to be so nonchalant about the possibility that his unpleasant resident would hurt his résumé. Maybe he was right, maybe one ill-tempered resident and one uncaring attending wouldn't cause much trouble for Ron. But that didn't mean he should just give up and say there was nothing he could do about it.
Irked with him for not listening to her, she shrugged. "Fine. It's your career."
"Exactly." ~ within Chapter 7

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Gina, then please check out her website.

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