Monday, August 16, 2010

Made the Grade: Elphame’s Choice [Young Adult Parthalon Book] by P. C. Cast

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 468 KB | Release Date: October 2009 | Publisher: Harlequin Teen

"Elphame’s Choice" [Young Adult Parthalon Book] by P. C. Cast

My Book Summary : This book takes up after the Divine Series (if you don't want to read the whole series, then just read "Divine By Blood" and you should be able to get caught up in the background info -- but you don't need to), set in Parthalon. Ever since Elphame (El) was born, she has been set apart from her society. Not by her own doing but because she is the first child --- in their world whom to have parents that are a human mother and a centaur father, which isn't uncommon in their world --- to be a unique mix of both her parents. Because of her physical appearance, she is said to have been blessed by their Goddess, but even so, Elphame cannot seem to ever feel like herself with anyone outside of her family, since everyone it seems to want to put her on a pedestal but never find out whom she truly is. Years pass and things don't really change until she decides to move to a run-down castle, called the MacCallan Castle, and fix it up with the help of her younger brother and others who would like to make a name for themselves. And once there she will start what fate has planned for her...

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars! I really enjoyed this story!!! I loved the new characters, the mixed races, and the love interests!! *hehee* Plus, the secondary story about her brother wasn't bad either. However, I'm not that big of fan about the ending. For one thing, I would have liked to have read an epilogue since it kind of leaves everything that is happening between them up to your imagination. And for another thing, I really wish the people who died didn't since I liked them, however I think I have an inkling of what will happen in "Brighid’s Quest" because of the events that happened in this book and because I wanted them to get together more so then the two that did in this book. *sigh* Sorry to be confusing but I can't really explain it any better without giving the story away ... so you'll just have to read it! =0)

My Previous Review(s) for the authors books that take place in 'Parthalon' : Divine By Blood

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Tempted | The Avenger | Burned

Book Teaser(s) :
"They're beautiful," she whispered.
Lochlan jerked his head back as if she had slapped him. "Do not say such a thing in jest."
"Why would I be jesting?" Hating the hurt she saw in his eyes, she unlaced a hand from around his neck. "May I touch them?"
He could not speak; he could only nod his head slowly, as if he were moving through deep water.
Without hesitation, Elphame's hand lifted to touch the part of one wing that was spread over his left shoulder. ~ within Chapter 16

For more information on this book and/or any other books by P. C., then please check out her website.

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