Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I'll I feel my life crumbling and falling away ... falling away with you

In "All Together Dead" by Charlaine Harris from her Sookie Stackhouse series .... The time has come for the long-planned vampire summit, where she has to attend as part of the Queen of Louisiana's group. Her job during her time there is to help the Queen know who is lying to her and who isn't .... as well as attend the Queen's trial about her husbands death. But soon Sookie finds that the hotel they're staying at isn't as secured as well as she hoped ..... who is she saving now? or how will she do it?

I wish I could write more but I would give quite a bit away by doing so. But I really liked this story ... 4 out of 5 stars.

For more information on the Sookie Stackhouse series or other of Charlaine Harris' books then please check out her website.

** Title is from the song Falling Away With You by Muse **

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