Saturday, November 21, 2009

When you find yourself ...

Who knew I would like Amish stories? I certainly didn't, or didn't realize that I would enjoy them as much as I did. But I guess when you look at it if it is a really good romance story and the plot really catches your interest then anything is possible. =0) And that's what I found with "Hidden" (part of the Sisters of the Heart series) by Shelley Shepard Gray.

This is the first story in the Sisters of the Heart series. I'm not sure if I'll read the others anytime soon, but after reading the first chapter the book held my interest and I couldn't put it down. It's an easy read (under 300 pages) about Anna, a woman who really has no direction in life and finds herself in an abusive relationship. After trying to talk to her family and police about her situation, and everyone not believing her, she turns to the last people she can think of her friend Katie's family who are apart of the Amish community in Pennsylvania. They take her in, and she earns her keep while hiding from her abuser and everyone she knows as she thinks her loved ones who inform him of her location. While doing so she grows as a person, gains a special relationship/friendship, and feels happier then she has in a long time. But what will she be able to go back to the life she just left??

It was a very good story ... if you don't mind it being full of detail yet short ... I give it 5 out of 5 stars. I'm not sure if I'll read the other stories in the series but you never know, since I did love the main characters in this book.

To find out more about this book, series, or other of her books ... then check out Shelley Shepard Gray's website.

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  1. yes they are great stories i found them when penny and i went to washington dc and came back to maine thur amish country great place to visit

    1. I have yet to visit Amish country but the more Christian/Amish novels I read the more intrigued by it I become. =0)


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