Sunday, January 10, 2010

If I could have just one wish, I’d wish that you were mine...

A new way of looking at the world awaits you in "Cry Wolf" (part of the Alpha and Omega series) by Patricia Briggs. This book is the beginning of a new series of Patricia's, also it starts at the very end of a short story of hers called "Alpha and Omega" which is in the book "On The Prowl". I haven't read the short story but you might want to before you read this book, since even though you don't need too to be able to get an understanding of what happened, but of course, it will give you more info if you do. *shrug* Anyways ....
The story starts right after Charles and Anna have met and bonded halfway. Meaning that their wolves (or wolf forms) have chosen each other as their mates but now their human selves need to complete the process by doing the same. But it's not as easy as it sounds, especially when Anna was forced into becoming a wolf 3 yrs prior and is used to getting abused by her previous pack, making it so she definitely does not trust easily. Add to that a witch who sets up camp in the woods within the packs territory, killing locals who come to close to her, and things get harder for Charles and Anna who are sent in to take-care-of this intruder.

4 out of 5 stars. I wasn't sure at first how I would like this world and it's characters but as soon as I started reading the book I couldn't put it down. Great setting ... I liked how you can every point of view so the story is that much more believable!!

To find out more about this book, series, and/or other books by Patricia, then check out her website.

** Title is from the song If I Was The One by Ruff Endz **

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