"How to Treat a Lady" [St. John Brothers / Talisman Ring Series, Book 3] by Karen Hawkins
My Book Summary : [See below for a quote on the talisman ring.]
Chase St. John has hit some troubles, and ever since a man, named Harry, whom he assumed was his friend has been holding the knowledge of Chase's wrong doing over Chase's head for the past month or more in effort to get money out him in trade he won't confess to others what he witnessed. But Chase has had enough and decides that the only way he can keep from ruining the St. John name is by leaving England permanently (London especially). So, he tells Harry this and leaves, with only a bag of his clothes, money, a few other things, and his mothers talisman ring (his mother's most prized possession). Of course Chase is very depressed by the idea of never seeing his family again, so along the way to the ship for his departure he picks up some brandy and gets drunk. On the way though two thieves think of him as an easy mark (which he is as he's drunk), knock him off of his horse and start ruffling through his things, leaving him left for dead or at least close to it.
Harriett has some troubles of her own, her father took out a loan from the bank, then suddenly past away not long after, since then her family and her have been trying to make ends meat by either plowing fields for whatever then can tend or as of recently became sheep farmers. They only have one payment left but with Mr. Gower, the bank manager, at barking at their heels for the money every chance they get and only 2 weeks left to get the wool sheered and ready for the market, for them to have the money, they are doing everything they can to keep their family home. Even if that means making up a imaginative fiance for Harriet, that will be coming to their rescue with the money they need any day, named Captain John Frakenham.
Just when she thought her luck was getting worse she comes across Chase's horse all by himself, after rounding him up, she finds Chase not far away with a head injury and brings him home to help him. When Chase comes to he realizes that he is immediately charmed by Harriet, and decides not to tell her that he cannot remember whom he was, which makes her very suspicious. However, not long after he learns of their misfortunes and Harriet's mother tells Chase that she knows who he is, why he is Harriet's betrothed, Captain John Frakenham! At first Chase thinks this is crazy but then he goes along with the ploy and helps out the family to try and pass him off as the Captain when Mr. Gower or other locals stop by. But soon he finds he is more then playing a part, as he gets enlisted to help out with the sheep, which happens to be more work then he has ever done before.
As days pass things back in London are getting worse as Harry spreads more rumors about Chase, while at Harriet's house Chase finds that he likes the family and Harriet more with each passing day. But will he be able to leave without informing the family of his true identity? Can he keep his secrets in the past? Will him having the talisman ring make the magic come true? And will Harriet's family make it out of their debt?
My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars. It was a very cute story. More tamed then I would have liked but it still kept my interest, wanting to see where this sweet romance between Chase and Harriet would lead.
My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Sleepless In Scotland
Book Teaser(s) :
They say the St. John talisman ring was made by the fairies and given to the handsomest man in all England, one Sir Gervase St. John. The fairies spelled that ring so that whoever held it should fall madly in love. ~ right before Chapter 1
"Something, perhaps. But for a captain to forget the name and location of his ship?"
She had a point. He touched the bandage. "But I hit my head. Very, very hard."
"Yes, but we cannot afford to raise his suspicions where the captain is concerned or he'll guess----" She clamped her mouth closed and glared at Chase as if he'd done something horrid.
Chase straightened. She'd almost said it ... almost. He closed in on her, wondering if perhaps he could get the truth out of her yet. "Gower will guess what?"
Her jaw tightened. "Nothing." ~ within Chapter 10
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Karen, then please check out her website.
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