Saturday, July 24, 2010

What was I thinking?: Sunshine by Robin McKinley

Format: Hardcover | Pages: 389 | Release Date: October 2003 | Publisher: Berkley

"Sunshine" by Robin McKinley

What was I thinking? : That I liked the review I read on the The Compulsive Reader about this book, and I hoped I would like it too.

My Book Summary : This book is a futuristic fantasy where money is now called "blinks", sorcerers/were-"Animals"/Vampires and more are real, and the government has a society called the Special Others Force (SOF) who keep everyone with a special ability or those who are partbloods (part demon, part human, part sorcerer, etc) registered and controlled --- while on the path to kill every known vampire they come across. But life is not as good as it all seems .... which is what Sunshine (aka Rae) is starting to figure out. She has grown up being "her mother's daughter" which means being as normal as she can be ... she was an average teenager growing up and now she works at the family restaurant as the head pastry chef, known best for her cinnamon buns -- which are supposedly bigger then the size of your head.

One night after work and instead of attending her family's Monday movie night (as celebration of surviving another week), she drives up to her family's old lake house to get away for a bit and enjoy the piece and quiet. What she didn't expect was to be ambushed by a gang of vampires, dragged to a mansion on the other side of the lake, and chained to the wall of the ballroom waiting for her death to come. However, she realizes shortly after that she isn't alone, Constantine (aka Con), a vampire too, is a prisoner as well and she is there so tempt him into killing her. As her luck would have it Con doesn't want to "let his enemy win" by killing her, so she makes it through the night, but when morning comes it is her who has to help him make it through the day....

My Book Review : 1.5 out of 5 stars. Okay ... I LOVED the plot, the main characters, and the world that the author created!! All very good and just for that I would recommend it for all to read too! However, the reason I have given this book such a low score was because the narrator (Sunshine) rambled like there was no tomorrow! I could have screamed sometimes with how it went from the present situation she would be in, then the next minute she would be talking about things that really had nothing to do with what was going on at the time, and some didn't even make since with the plot. In truth I'm surprised I even finished the book, especially since I liked the book (for the most part) when I was reading it, but as soon as I put it down I had to convince myself to pick it back up again .... since I did want to find out how the book would turn out and end. Also, even though I liked the ending, there was too many loose strings so it felt a little incomplete. *shrug* But that may be just me.

Book Teaser(s) :
"I have learned what will work, if anything will."
"And what if it doesn't work?"
"Then both of us end our existence tonight," he said in that impassive we're-chained-to-the-wall-and-the-bad-guys-are-coming voice I remembered to well.
Oh gee. Don't pull your punches like that. I can take the truth, really I can. I said something like, "Unnngh."
"I believe it will work."
"I'm delighted to hear it." ~ within Part Two

For more information on this book, and/or any other books by Robin, then please check out her website.

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