Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Feasted On: The Virgin Hunt Games Series, Book 1 / Volume 1 | #BookReview @melteshco

- This was an ARC Read -
Available Formats through Amazon: Kindle Edition
File Size: 3440 KB | Print length: 220 Pages
Publication Date: January 18, 2021 | Language: English
Publisher: Entangled Publishing, LLC : One Handed Reads
ASIN: B08SW7NDRZ | Main Genre(s): Science Fiction Romance, Erotic Romance, Dystopian, Royalty Romance, Paranormal Romance
Format Jess Read This Novel In: eBook - MOBI File
Jess Obtained This Book Through: NetGalley

"The Virgin Hunt Games" [The Virgin Hunt Games Series, Book 1 / Volume 1] by Mel Teshco

Author's Book Description : EARTH, YEAR 2324

Melody Simmons desperately needs to fill her bank accounts with credits that could help her family climb out of near poverty. And in the Virgin Hunt Games, that means enticing as many hunters as possible to bed her. The downside? Billions of viewers from all parts of the galaxy would be watching her fall from virtue with avid interest.

Alien Damon Banscott despises everything about the Virgin Hunt Games. Except the fact he can now legally destroy his enemy in the games. He is in this only for revenge. Then Damon sees one of the beautiful hunted and, for a moment, his heart stops beating. He’ll fight to the death before allowing another hunter to touch and deflower Melody.

But while the hunters get more credits by pleasing their captive mate sexually, the hunted women received more by finding their pleasure with any of the hunters who weren’t their assigned mate.

Let the games begin…

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My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars. This novel was a mixture of what I expected and what I had not expected. Also, even though I had not read the Hunger Games series I had watched the movie versions and can definitely say that this novel felt like an adult sexualized version of the Hunger Games – game-wise only as there was no similar plots – with a Cinderellaesque twist to it. THIS NOVEL WAS SOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!! Yet, there were a lot of situations I can see a lot of people not enjoying about this novel. So, if you can overlook those issues and want to just enjoy a REALLY SMUTTY sci-fi romance to read this would be the novel for you!

Thankfully I really liked the main characters – Damon and Melody ... along with their two “true” friends that they made along the way. Though sex IS the name of their game in this novel ... I found that Damon and Melody showed a lot of depth, heart, and character growth throughout this novel. Plus, the “instant feelings” that Damon and Melody feel for one another sound like the “mate attraction” (even though it is never truly stated that way) to me ... which made this whole relationship between them something that hooked me from the beginning. They were simply made for one another.

However, I just wish the ending was more/had more. More Damon and Melody. More information. More chapters of explanation. More.

Nevertheless, if you are one who enjoys erotic science fiction romance with a Hunger Games / Cinderella twists, then this is the novel for you!

If you can't see/watch the above video then click here to watch it.

Purchase This Book and/or The Other Books From It's Series Here :
Amazon (Kindle) : The Virgin Hunt Games, Volume 2 | Amazon (Kindle) : The Virgin Hunt Games, Volume 3

My Previous Mention(s) of this Author's Books/Characters : Jess' December 2020 "Vlog" Every Day Version of #Vlogmas! | @FromJesstoYouVA #RomanceBooktubers | Week 5 Breakdown of December 2020 Vlogmas! | @FromJesstoYouVA #VirtualAssistant

Book Teaser(s) :
Galeisha turned to Fallon. "Damn it! Why couldn't you be a woman? I'm sure if you had a pussy, I'd be falling for you just as hard as these two have for each other."
Fallon smirked. "And to think I'd imagined you changed your mind last night. I guess you didn't get converted, after all."
Galeisha mock-slapped his arm. "In your dreams." ~ within Chapter 27

Book Preview(s) :

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Mel, then please check out her website.

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