Sunday, November 1, 2009

When opposites attract...

So far in my major book reading lately I have found that no one else but Susan Elizabeth Phillips can write a great romance novel where every single one (thus far that I've read) deals with opposites attracting to each other (or at least that's what the characters believe in the beginning). My favorite of her novels is still "Match Me If You Can" from her The Chicago Stars books.

However, I just finished reading "Ain't She Sweet"!! And I have to say it has become my second fave out of all her books! Definitely 5 out of 5 stars! It's all about Sugar Beth (a Southern Belle who growing up has made her town resent from all the trouble she caused) and Colin (a British writer who moved to the south and when he started to try making a name for himself, met his match - not always in the best way either). The story is really charming ... and I like how Sugar Beth and Colin "overcome their demons". So-to-speak. =0)

To find out more on this novel or others by Susan Elizabeth Phillips then check out her website.

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