Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Call Me Irresistible

  • Today's "Waiting On" Wednesday by Jill - click here

  • "Call Me Irresistible" by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
    Publication Released Date: Coming in early 2011

    Author's Book Description:
      Ted Beaudine’s book is done! This is the book you’ve been demanding I write for years. The story of “little Teddy,” the nine-year-old heartbreak kid from "FANCY PANTS" and “young Ted,” the hunky new college graduate in "LADY BE GOOD". Ted is all grown up now, and "CALL ME IRRESISTIBLE" is his story.

      I’ve been trying to write this book for years, but I made a serious (and ultimately fortunate) miscalculation. I assumed Ted’s perfect match would be Lucy Jorik from "FIRST LADY". You all loved the idea as much as I did. The only thing was... I couldn’t write the book. They were both so mature, so smart, so completely together. And, ultimately, so boring. They each deserved something more than a humdrum match.

      I set aside “Ted’s Book” to mull it over and began working on "WHAT I DID FOR LOVE", and that was when it happened.

        Meg Koranda exploded into the room like a frisky young greyhound who’d been kicked out of obedience school so many times that her owners had given up trying to train her. In this case, her owners were her adoring parents, screen legend Jake Koranda and Fleur Savagar, the Glitter Baby.... ...Meg was spoiled and impulsive, five-feet-ten-inches of good times, good intentions, good heart, and almost total irresponsibility in her quest to outrun her famous parents’ legacies....
      Who better to drive Ted Beaudine crazy? Except...

      What about our beloved Lucy Jorik? That’s when things got really interesting, but this letter has gone on long enough. Ted and Meg’s book is everything I hoped it would be, and I’m already hard at work on Lucy’s story. You’re going to have to trust me when I tell you that I’ve made the right matches.

      I know you’d all like to have "CALL ME IRRESISTIBLE" available right now instead of waiting until early 2011. Yes, it’s done, but you all know how slow I am. The publisher didn’t receive the revised manuscript until March, and they need a bit of time to put it into production.

      Thank you all for feeling so passionately about these characters and their stories. And now... Back to work.


    I CANNOT WAIT for this book to come out! I absolutely LOVED "Fancy Pants" & "Glitter Baby", and to have their kids come together!! YAY!! I mean I feel bad for Lucy but since I haven't read "First Lady" (and I'm not sure if I ever will) you could say that I'm a little biased. *hehee*

    My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Ain't She Sweet | What I Did for Love | Nobody's Baby But Mine | Honey Moon | Dream a Little Dream

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    1 comment :

    1. This sounds like a great read, I haven't heard of this author before. I'm going to check out her other books. Thanks for sharing! My Wow is here.


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