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Showing posts sorted by date for query #demon. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2019

Fantasy & Paranormal Main Characters | Ongoing Book List

Are you looking to read about a certain type of paranormal? Well, Jess is NOW sorting & listing all of her novels by what type they are! These are only listed if the main characters within the novel Jess has read are a certain type of paranormal race. And yes sometimes you will see a novel listed twice depending on what the main characters are, as some could be more than one type of paranormal or there could be more than one paranormal main character. Please save this link so you'll be able to come back to check out the list as it grows and updates along the way. This list started compiling at the beginning of 2019 but when Jess has time she will be adding her older reviewed novels as well.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Feasted On: Night Huntress World Series, Book 1

Format: Paperback | Pages: 371 | Release Date: February 2010 | Publisher: Avon Books

"First Drop Of Crimson" [Night Huntress World Series, Book 1] by Jeaniene Frost

My Book Summary : A little over a year ago Denise and her husband, Randy, went to a New Year's Eve party, at her best friend Cat's place, that turned into one of the most terrible nights of Denise's life, as that is the night of her husband's death. Since then, Denise has made a point of avoiding anything to do with the supernatural world, even if that means cutting out Cat from her life. But when her relatives start dieing around her, it does seem unusual right until it's almost to late for her, she finds out that someone is killing her family, and she just happens to be his next target. So, once she gets home she puts a call into Cat & Cat's husband, Bones, but since they haven't talked in a couple of months she finds that both of their cell phones have been disconnected within that time. Hoping to find someone to help her, Denise decides on calling the only other vampire she knows who might help her named Spade, who is also a friend of Cat & Bones.

Over the phone Spade doesn't completely believe that Denise and her family are being targeted by anyone based on description of the perpetrator she saw, but as a favor he tells her that he'll be at her place by the following afternoon to check it out. However, even before he gets into her house he knows she wasn't lying and that he killer was/is a demon he just hopes that he isn't too late. Once he gets inside her house and finds her passed out on the floor, he looks her over to make sure she's okay. But when she comes, too she tells and shows him that she has been branded by the demon and was told that the only way to get the brands off and to save the remaining members of her family is to find her relative that started it all named Nathanial.

Soon she finds that because of the brands she has powers and a growing appetite that she has to get used to, Spade and her find themselves being drawn to each other that neither can ignore and neither are always sure that they want to ignore either, and more ...

Will Denise find Nathanial before she gets in too deep in the supernatural world? Or maybe she’ll find that once she’s there, there is no other place she’d rather be ... as long as Spade is never to far away ...

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars, sooo much better then I expected and hoped for!! I liked Denise and Spade (especially Spade) as secondary characters in the Night Huntress series but I loved them as the main characters in this book!! I can't wait to read what will happen to them and their friends now that things have certainly changed for all of them. =0) This novel was action packed, addictive, and touching ... along with some very night romance scenes. So, if you enjoyed the stories of Cat & Bones in the Night Huntress series then I recommend you checking out this book too!

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Halfway To The Grave | One Foot In The Grave | At Graves End | Destined for an Early Grave

Author Book Trailer :

If you can't see/watch the above video then click here to watch it.

Book Teaser(s) :
"When we find Nathanial, I want you to leave," Denise said softly. "Raum will know you set the salt bombs. He'll want revenge, and if he can track me, he'll know the second we find Nathanial. Then he'll probably try to kill you. He won't need you anymore."
Raum wouldn't need Denise anymore, either, and she knew that as well as he did. Even if the demon didn't have a grudge against her---and Spade doubted that, after today---Raum could kill her just for amusement.
"I have a plan for that as well," he said.
Her hazel eyes narrowed. "What?" ~ within Chapter 14
Black Jack's eyes flicked with interest to Denise. Spade saw it and stopped himself before he bared his fangs in instinctive possessiveness. Instead he tossed in a few chips and ran his hand along Denise's side one more time, meeting the vampire's gaze in challenge. Mine.
Black Jack's lips curled and he tilted his head in acknowledgment. One of the strongest vampire urges was territorialism. No vampire would tolerate someone ogling his property---unless that property was being offered. Denise, Spade had clearly indicated, was not. ~ within Chapter 16

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Jeaniene, then please check out her website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts. Basically Jess earns from qualifying purchases.
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Monday, August 16, 2010

Made the Grade: Elphame’s Choice [Young Adult Parthalon Book] by P. C. Cast

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 468 KB | Release Date: October 2009 | Publisher: Harlequin Teen

"Elphame’s Choice" [Young Adult Parthalon Book] by P. C. Cast

My Book Summary : This book takes up after the Divine Series (if you don't want to read the whole series, then just read "Divine By Blood" and you should be able to get caught up in the background info -- but you don't need to), set in Parthalon. Ever since Elphame (El) was born, she has been set apart from her society. Not by her own doing but because she is the first child --- in their world whom to have parents that are a human mother and a centaur father, which isn't uncommon in their world --- to be a unique mix of both her parents. Because of her physical appearance, she is said to have been blessed by their Goddess, but even so, Elphame cannot seem to ever feel like herself with anyone outside of her family, since everyone it seems to want to put her on a pedestal but never find out whom she truly is. Years pass and things don't really change until she decides to move to a run-down castle, called the MacCallan Castle, and fix it up with the help of her younger brother and others who would like to make a name for themselves. And once there she will start what fate has planned for her...

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars! I really enjoyed this story!!! I loved the new characters, the mixed races, and the love interests!! *hehee* Plus, the secondary story about her brother wasn't bad either. However, I'm not that big of fan about the ending. For one thing, I would have liked to have read an epilogue since it kind of leaves everything that is happening between them up to your imagination. And for another thing, I really wish the people who died didn't since I liked them, however I think I have an inkling of what will happen in "Brighid’s Quest" because of the events that happened in this book and because I wanted them to get together more so then the two that did in this book. *sigh* Sorry to be confusing but I can't really explain it any better without giving the story away ... so you'll just have to read it! =0)

My Previous Review(s) for the authors books that take place in 'Parthalon' : Divine By Blood

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Tempted | The Avenger | Burned

Book Teaser(s) :
"They're beautiful," she whispered.
Lochlan jerked his head back as if she had slapped him. "Do not say such a thing in jest."
"Why would I be jesting?" Hating the hurt she saw in his eyes, she unlaced a hand from around his neck. "May I touch them?"
He could not speak; he could only nod his head slowly, as if he were moving through deep water.
Without hesitation, Elphame's hand lifted to touch the part of one wing that was spread over his left shoulder. ~ within Chapter 16

For more information on this book and/or any other books by P. C., then please check out her website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts. Basically Jess earns from qualifying purchases.
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

What was I thinking?: Sunshine by Robin McKinley

Format: Hardcover | Pages: 389 | Release Date: October 2003 | Publisher: Berkley

"Sunshine" by Robin McKinley

What was I thinking? : That I liked the review I read on the The Compulsive Reader about this book, and I hoped I would like it too.

My Book Summary : This book is a futuristic fantasy where money is now called "blinks", sorcerers/were-"Animals"/Vampires and more are real, and the government has a society called the Special Others Force (SOF) who keep everyone with a special ability or those who are partbloods (part demon, part human, part sorcerer, etc) registered and controlled --- while on the path to kill every known vampire they come across. But life is not as good as it all seems .... which is what Sunshine (aka Rae) is starting to figure out. She has grown up being "her mother's daughter" which means being as normal as she can be ... she was an average teenager growing up and now she works at the family restaurant as the head pastry chef, known best for her cinnamon buns -- which are supposedly bigger then the size of your head.

One night after work and instead of attending her family's Monday movie night (as celebration of surviving another week), she drives up to her family's old lake house to get away for a bit and enjoy the piece and quiet. What she didn't expect was to be ambushed by a gang of vampires, dragged to a mansion on the other side of the lake, and chained to the wall of the ballroom waiting for her death to come. However, she realizes shortly after that she isn't alone, Constantine (aka Con), a vampire too, is a prisoner as well and she is there so tempt him into killing her. As her luck would have it Con doesn't want to "let his enemy win" by killing her, so she makes it through the night, but when morning comes it is her who has to help him make it through the day....

My Book Review : 1.5 out of 5 stars. Okay ... I LOVED the plot, the main characters, and the world that the author created!! All very good and just for that I would recommend it for all to read too! However, the reason I have given this book such a low score was because the narrator (Sunshine) rambled like there was no tomorrow! I could have screamed sometimes with how it went from the present situation she would be in, then the next minute she would be talking about things that really had nothing to do with what was going on at the time, and some didn't even make since with the plot. In truth I'm surprised I even finished the book, especially since I liked the book (for the most part) when I was reading it, but as soon as I put it down I had to convince myself to pick it back up again .... since I did want to find out how the book would turn out and end. Also, even though I liked the ending, there was too many loose strings so it felt a little incomplete. *shrug* But that may be just me.

Book Teaser(s) :
"I have learned what will work, if anything will."
"And what if it doesn't work?"
"Then both of us end our existence tonight," he said in that impassive we're-chained-to-the-wall-and-the-bad-guys-are-coming voice I remembered to well.
Oh gee. Don't pull your punches like that. I can take the truth, really I can. I said something like, "Unnngh."
"I believe it will work."
"I'm delighted to hear it." ~ within Part Two

For more information on this book, and/or any other books by Robin, then please check out her website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts. Basically Jess earns from qualifying purchases.
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Monday, June 21, 2010

Feasted On: Sign of the Zodiac Series, Book 5

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 515 KB | Release Date: May 2010 | Publisher: HarperCollins

"Cheat The Grave" [Sign of the Zodiac Series, Book 5] by Vicki Pettersson

My Book Summary : Jo is back and kicking ass!! However, things have completely changed in her world again ... she's now mortal. With that knowledge her troop kicked her out and she is no longer an agent of light. She also just went trough loosing her lover to his ex and has a crazy man, named Mackie that wants to kill her with his soul blade, chasing after her. Not to mention that if she makes contact with any of her old collages from the troop or any superhuman being then the leader of the troop of light, who's also her old boss, will have no problem killing her. Along with quite a few more people/beings who would like to kill her too, and one of them just happens to be her birth father.

But in some twisted turns of events she might just come to find she does have some allies she can lean on, that is if she looks in the right places...

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars! Okay ... yes I skipped over 3 books in this series to read this one and I am happy I did so, especially because it was written in a way that I didn't really need to read the others (unless of course I want to know exactly what happened), since this book could probably stand alone in the way it describes all that has happened to her in recent events. But I liked this book sooo much more then the first one that I can't complain at all ... even about not reading the previous books. I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THE 6TH BOOK COMES OUT!! And I REALLY hope things will work out between Hunter and Jo!

My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 1

Book Teaser(s) :
She smiled back, sweet and with tears moistening her eyes, before turning to Hunter. "You are a part of me now, and I will love you forever."
A relieved smile overtook his face, and faded like a ghost. I whirled on her. "I'm going to kill you!"
Olivia laughed merrily. "I believe I have the advantage here."
"Ugh, God!" I pulled at my hair. "Olivia! What the fuck?"
She laughed some more. "Yep. That's about as T-Rex brain as you can get." ~ within Chapter 5

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Vicki, then please check out her website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts. Basically Jess earns from qualifying purchases.
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Made the Grade: Sign of the Zodiac Series, Book 1

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 375 KB | Release Date: March 2007 | Publisher: HarperCollins

"The Scent of Shadows" [Sign of the Zodiac Series, Book 1] by Vicki Pettersson

My Book Summary : Joanna (Jo) grew up in a rich family but when she was sixteen she was raped and her life completely changed. Now it's her 25th birthday and her life is changing again ...

After going out on a date with a man who tries to kill her (and possibly the room-full of people at the restaurant), she meets up with her first love again and sparks fly. But then she finds out that her father, Xavier, isn't her birth father and because of that he cuts her out of her inheritance. Then the big thing is more people are out to kill her just because of who her birth parents truly are and what Jo will be able to do in the future, which means if she doesn't go into hiding (or something) she will definitely die.

However, it seems that the men after her underestimated her ... now that time has past her 25th birthday .... she is introduced to a whole new world without really knowing where she belongs. And what doesn't help is that even those who seem to be helping her, don't trust her....

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars. Okay this book, I almost gave up on it. I got through the first 5-6 chapters and I was bored. But thankfully I skimmed to the good parts and kept reading since I did finally get hooked. However, you have to admit that the beginning is kinda unreal ... it's like she gets everything and nothing at all, which completely ruined it for me. But anyway ... if your like me then I recommend to keep reading it once you start since it does get better!

Book Teaser(s) :
"We all have our disguises," Warren added helpfully.
"What?" I snapped angrily. "And 'Yoda on crack' was the best you could come up with?"
"I see you did nothing about her temperament," Warren muttered.
"Some things even I can't fix." ~ within Chapter 10

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Vicki, then please check out her website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts. Basically Jess earns from qualifying purchases.
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Monday, May 10, 2010

Made the Grade: Heart of Darkness : The Darkest Angel [Lords of the Underworld Series, Novella] by Gena Showalter

Format: On Author's Website | Pages: 131 | Release Date: January 2010 | Publisher: Harlequin Books

"Heart of Darkness : The Darkest Angel" [Lords of the Underworld Series, Novella] by Gena Showalter

My Book Summary : A demon-killing angel named Lysander has just found the one thing that can destroy him .... a Harpy named Bianka. So, he stalks her then kidnaps her, thinking that he will kill her before she'll be able to damage him. However, things don't go as he plans .... and he himself begins to change in ways he has never felt before.

When he finds he can't bring himself to kill her .... he plans on trying to change her, just as Bianka decides to change him. Who will win? Or will they doom each other?

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars. It was a good addition to the Lords of the Underworld Series ... and I especially liked this new look on Angels! *evil grin* Lysander & Bianka do make a cute pair!

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : The Pleasure Slave | Catch A Mate | Playing With Fire | The Nymph King

Book Teaser :
"So what do you do for fun around here?" she asked.
"I destroy demons."
Like you, she finished for him. But he'd already said he had no intention of killing her, and she believed him----how could she not? That voice...
~ within Chapter 2

For more information on this book, series and/or any other books by Gena, then please check out her website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts. Basically Jess earns from qualifying purchases.
More specifically Jess partners those websites' programs and you should be aware that they may collect personal information when you interact with their sites. The collection and use of this information is subject to their own privacy policies.
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Monday, May 3, 2010

Made the Grade: The Demon Underground Series, Book 2

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 465 KB | Release Date: March 2010 | Publisher: Bell Bridge Books

"Try Me" [The Demon Underground Series, Book 2] by Parker Blue

My Book Summary : Val is back on the streets of San Antonio helping keep the peace between the vampires and demons, while protecting the humans. However, since released Lola fully for the first time she has been told to take some time off so she'll be able to get more control of herself. Thankfully, Micah is planning to help her accomplish that, and a little or more help from Shade too.

But when powerful Encyclopedia Magicka becomes stolen time off comes to a halt. Not that Val's complaining since she was getting bored anyways, but once she returns to work .... it seems that everyone there is out to get her. To top that off her partner, Dan, is being a jerk to her for some unknown reason and he seems to be trying to avoid her at all cost.

As she goes into searching for the books ... things start happening again to those around her .... but will she be able to find them before anything really bad happens?

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars! I really liked this book! However, it had more twists then I expected, NOT that I'm complaining since I was addicted right up until the end! I LOVE the thing going on between Shade and Val!! And I'm really curious as to where and what Val will be doing now that this latest "situation" has come up (which you'll find out at the very end of the book). I did like the depth that the author brought to the characters more so then just Val (like last time).

My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 1

Author Book Trailer :

If you can't see/watch the above video then click here to watch it.

Book Teaser :
"I didn't want to lose the very things that made me special. I'd always been defined by my strength, speed, and healing powers. If I lost those, who would I be? Just a girl with the ability to control men and make them feel horny. Oh yeah, great gift." ~ within Chapter 20

For more information on this book, series and/or any other books by Parker, then please check out her website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts. Basically Jess earns from qualifying purchases.
More specifically Jess partners those websites' programs and you should be aware that they may collect personal information when you interact with their sites. The collection and use of this information is subject to their own privacy policies.
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