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Showing posts sorted by date for query samhain publishing. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Feasted On: New York Series, Book 1

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 582 KB | Release Date: April 2010 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

"A Table for Three" [New York Series, Book 1] by Lainey Reese

My Book Summary : Riley has just moved to New York, starts her new job in two weeks, and plans to spend her first night in New York checking out the night scene. After she tells her cabby to take her to a club that has a mixture of celebs with the everyday people ... she finds more then she may have bargained for, but she's willing to try it out!

When Cade comes across Riley in his club, he plans to tell the "little innocent" that this isn't the right club for her, but after he first meets/sees her she meets all of his expectations in the type of girl he likes and he can't seem to turn her away. By the next morning he thinks he may have found the girl for him ... now he just has to see if his best friend, Trevor, agrees. Since Cade and Trevor have been sharing their women for years now and it soon looks like Trevor just might agree. Now all they need to do is convince Riley that this is more then a fling.

However, just when it seems that things are working out for all of them, someone from Cade and Trevor's past comes in and tries to destroy everything they have with Riley. Will that person succeed? Or will the three of them prove true love can survive anything??

My Book Review : THIS BOOK WAS A REREAD:: Then (February 2011): 3.5 out of 5 stars | Now (August 2011): 4 out of 5 stars!! This book is full of m/f/m ménage, bdsm, and steamy PDA to keep the mouth watering and your mind wandering!! It's one of those books where you learn that love can come from any type of relationship! It definitely opened my eyes ... and kept me wishing it was me instead of her at some points! =0)

These three characters you just can't get enough of!! The guys are smart, funny, and domineering ... and the girl is sweet, loving, and experimental! The plot was great and the epilogue was the perfect cherry on top!

Author Book Trailer :

If you can't see/watch the above video then click here to watch it.

Book Teaser(s) :
He turned his head and looked at Riley sandwiched between him and Trevor. She was wide-awake. The cell phone hadn't done it, he knew because she hadn't shifted or stretched or even moved when it rang.
"How long have you been awake, Riley?"
"Your heart beats sixty-eight times a minute," she said instead of answering. "You breathe thirteen times a minute. Trevor is seventy-two and fifteen. Only, every three minutes Trevor's breathing stutters a little, and for that minute he breaths twelve instead."
Cade stared at her, giving her his best boss stare.
"About an hour and a half." When Cade groaned she added, "I told you I was a morning person." Cade ran a weary hand over his eyes, and Trevor spoke against the back of her neck. "My breath stutters?" ~ within Chapter 8

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Lainey, then please check out her Amazon Page.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

Related Posts :

Feasted On: Three Kisses trilogy, Book 1

Idolizing In: New York Blades Series, Book 8

Made the Grade: Three Ways to Wicked by Melinda Barron

Made the Grade: The Love Play Matchmaking Service Series, Book 1

My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ R ~ Authors

Monday, November 1, 2010

Made the Grade: Granite Lake Wolves, Book 4

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 424 KB | Release Date: October 2010 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing

"Wolf Tracks" [Granite Lake Wolves, Book 4] by Vivian Arend

My Book Summary : Things are finally going to look up for TJ, the Alpha's clumsy younger brother, during his friend's wedding just as long as he doesn't mess anything up.

Pam is attending her best friend's wedding as the maid of honor and has plans to let loose and enjoy her vacation/trip while she has the chance. She's the type of gal that has fun with guys but doesn't get into anything too serious. However, once she meets the best man, TJ, something inside her awakens and now whenever they are in the same location she can't seem to take her eyes off of him. Even though she doesn't typically go for younger guys, soon she finds the attraction is mutual and they seem not be able to get enough of each other.

TJ never expected to find his mate, let alone at his friend's wedding, and her being a HUMAN! So, when he finds that Pam is planning on attending one of his brother's outdoor group tours he takes advantage of the situation by "kidnapping" her to get alone time. And even though he's breaking tons of pack rules he just can't find the courage or worry to care. But will Pam agree? Or will she be able to accept TJ and his secrets?

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars! I loved reading about TJ as a main character he is just so sweet! And seeing/reading about him trying to romance Pam .... I just couldn't get enough! =0)

My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 3

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Tidal Wave | Whirlpool

Book Teaser(s) :
"I'm very thankful you've been so understanding about me...well..."
"The kidnapping? Forget it. I tried to get upset, but somewhere at about the fifteenth orgasm all my ability to be freaked out seemed to float away."
"You haven't come that many times."
She laughed softly. "Well, then, you'd better get busy, hadn't you?"
He moved closer, wrapped an arm behind her and let her lean against him. "Tonight. Right now, enjoy the view. I know I am."
"You're not even looking around." Pam flushed. The man never seemed to take his eyes off her. "You're staring again." ~ within Chapter 6

For more information on this book, series and/or any other books by Vivian, then please check out her website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

Related Posts :

Made the Grade: Granite Lake Wolves, Book 3

Made the Grade: Takhini Wolves Series, Book 1

Feasted On: Takhini Wolves Series, Book 2

Made the Grade: Wolves of Angels Rest Series, Book 9 & Mating Season Series, Book 36

My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ A ~ Authors

Friday, October 1, 2010

Made the Grade: A Serengeti Shifter Novella, Book 3

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 318 KB | Release Date: September 2010 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing

"Serengeti Lightning" [A Serengeti Shifter Novella, Book 3] by Vivi Andrews

My Book Summary : Mara has been wanting a family of her own for some time, and being the only teacher of her pride and dealing with the children (cubs) all day makes that wanting even harder to bare some days. But she is finally determined to get what she wants, now all she needs to do is find her Mr. Forever, a man who will love her, honor her, and protect her and their family for forever instead of running off like most of the men in her pride does. The only problem is that means giving up her relationship with Michael, a younger man then her who make her toes curl whenever she thinks about him.

However, will Michael let her go that easily as she assumes? Or will he try proving to her that she has all she needs right in him?

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars, I did like book 1 more so then this one. However, the relationship between Michael and Mara has great chemistry that I just loved reading about! Plus, add the fact that Michael has problems with his true nature, and it just adds to the drama and intrigue, so I just had to finish the book to see how it ended up.

PS -- I don't like the book cover since she looks too young for the Mara I have pictured in my mind. Especially since Mara is supposed to be almost 35 yrs old.

My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 1

Book Teaser(s) :
The idea that young, impetuous and uncontrolled Michael might actually have had feelings for was too ludicrous. But the memory of his rage brought her up short. Could that possibly be the explanation? Was Michael Minor in love with her?
The answer to the question leapt into her mind as another question, harsh but necessary. Did it matter if he was? ~ within Chapter 5

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Vivi, then please check out the book's website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

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You'd be like Heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much.

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My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ A ~ Authors

Monday, September 27, 2010

Made the Grade: Denali Heat Series, Book 1

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 398 KB | Release Date: August 2010 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing

"Arctic Shift" [Denali Heat Series, Book 1] by Lissa Matthews

My Book Summary : Ruby is a city girl and happy to be one, but she gets thrown into the Alaskan wilderness trying to find her sister. What she doesn't know is that her sister has taken up with a local who just happens to be a shifter. But the real reason that Ruby's sister has been MIA is because she knows that if she was after a while Ruby would come looking for her, and in doing so Ruby would meet her new man's brother, named Carson, who happens to feel like Ruby is his mate just like Ruby's sister is his brother's mate. Once the two meet the only thing that Carson has to prove now is his feelings for her, before Ruby decides that she's had enough of nature.

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars. It was better then I hoped but towards the end of the story it kinda dropped off it's good momentum. So, it made me wish it turned out better. Though I really did like Ruby and Carson as a couple. And I thought that the story of Carson's heritage was very unique and creative aspect that the author came up with.

So if you like hot romances --- CHECK IT OUT!

Book Teaser(s) :
"What did your mom mean by ease up?"
"It's not often new people are brought here and we've had two, first Melanie and now you. It always makes the family a little nervous and extra vigilant until we're sure the newcomers are not here to harm or expose us."
She could understand that and expected they weren't very trusting right up front. To let outsiders in meant a risk. It would be a burden on anyone, knowing they had a secret they could never share. ~ within Chapter 6

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Lissa, then please check out the book's website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

Related Posts :

Feasted On: Heat Wave Series, Book 3

Made the Grade: The Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series, Book 10

Disappointmentville: Feeling the Heat Series, Book 3

Disappointmentville: Wolf Rock Shifters Series, Book 2

My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ M ~ Authors

Feasted On: Wicked³ Series, Book 2

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 306 KB | Release Date: September 2010 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing

"Wicked Bad" [Wicked³ Series, Book 2] by R. G. Alexander

My Book Summary : Harrison has wanted to be normal for as long as she could remember, since being the most powerful witch holding onto the Abbot legacy can be too much to live up to sometimes. But when she attends her first Triune (a celebration/party where she is hopefully going to find the matches in her triad), she not only finds her sexy matches but also finds that one of the wishes to have nothing to do with her, after hearing the gossip about her. So, she walks away from them and makes plans to stay out of the Magian world for a while and be human.

Three months later, while working at a dinner she finds being human is harder then it looked, and even though she's happy she did it she finds herself missing her family, friends, and her magic. But going home means the possibility of running into her triad matches and she really doesn't want to take that chance. Yet, later that night it seems fate decides to step in, since she gets attacked by an unseen foe and saved by the ones she was trying to stay away from.

Now that they are in her life, will she be able to escape them again ... or will she even want to leave them?

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars, this book was cute and HOT all rolled up together! Jacob and Ric (the guys in Harrison's triad) are such complete opposites that you cannot help but fall for each of them. Plus the plot worked out well with the first book in this series, while leading up to the following book that I believe will be staring Harrison's younger brother Lorie and their cousin Conway with their mystery girl (hopefully it'll be as good as the first two).

My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 1

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : My Shifter Showmance | Regina in the Sun | Twilight Guardian

Book Teaser(s) :
"Something did happen to me. I've been attacked, nearly frozen into an ice sculpture by some random Magian psycho, not that anyone seems to care." She glared pointedly at Jacob. "Tricked into taking a morph home and finally kidnapped and taken to South America." And after this last episode, she was getting the distinct impression that her brother was in danger. Maybe from the same person who'd come after her. She needed to talk to Conway. "I need my phone. Please, it's important."
A muscle in Jacob's jaw twitched. "As your match, the issue of your well being is our priority. The person who attacked you will not do so again."
Ric made a noise, as if he had something to add, but a look from Jacob silenced him. ~ within Chapter 4

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by R. G., then please check out the book's website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

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My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ A ~ Authors

Friday, August 27, 2010

Disappointmentville: Playing with Fire Series, Book 3

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 499 KB | Release Date: August 2010 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing

"Scandalous" [Playing with Fire Series, Book 3] by Karen Erickson

My Book Summary : Ever since she was a teenager, Alexa (Lex or Lexi), has had a crush on Eric (her older brother's boyfriend). Now years later at her brother's wedding she greets Eric again planning on catching up. However, what she didn't expect was to find her attraction to him to still be strong or to find that even though he has another boyfriend now, he is finding her more attractive by the second. When they end up kissing each other, a little later at the reception, the sparks ignite between them, but once they separate Eric says they've made a mistake and walks away from her.

A few days later Alexa finds a voicemail message from Eric on her cell asking if she would like to meet up for drinks with his boyfriend (Brandon) and himself. She accepts and meets them at a restaurant, only to find that they have ulterior motives. Which are that Brandon was intrigued about Eric's kiss with her and was wondering if she would like to have some fun with them for a night?

If she says yes she might find the thing that will ease the restlessness she's been feeling lately ... they all might fall in love ... or they could ruin a good relationship between the guys and a growing friendship between each other .... would it all be worth it? Maybe so ...

My Book Review : 2.5 out of 5 stars. My favorite character was Eric ... he sounded like a great guy. The plot was good but didn't end up the way I wanted it to which is the reason for the low rating. I think if it ended the way I wanted then I would have given it a 4 out of 5 stars. *shrug* But if you don't mind reading a bit of m/m or m/f/m action then I think you'll be interested in this book.

Book Teaser(s) :
The number was unfamiliar, and she frowned, punching a button so she could read the text message.
I want to see you
Frowning, she immediately texted back.
Who is this?
Her answer came back quick.
Correction. We both want to see you. Tonight.
Her skin sizzled, and she glanced about the room, thankful no one was lurking about.
Eric is that you? ~ within Chapter 6

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Karen, then please check out her website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts. Basically Jess earns from qualifying purchases.
More specifically Jess partners those websites' programs and you should be aware that they may collect personal information when you interact with their sites. The collection and use of this information is subject to their own privacy policies.
You can check out Rakuten Marketing's privacy policy here:

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Hashtags: #bookreview #bookreviews #review #KarenErickson #MonicaMurphy #Scandalous #PlayingwithFire #PlayingwithFireSeries #karenwritesromance #SamhainPublishing #AdultRomance #AdultFiction #contemporaryfiction #contemporary #contemporaryromance #steamyreads #smuttyreads #smuttybooks #smuttynovels #eroticnovels #eroticromance #Erotica #sexualescapades #sexytimes #Menage #MenageRomance #MenageRomances #menagetrois #mmf #loveislove #multirelationships #lgbtqia #lgbtq #LGBTRomance #BisexualRomance #Sapphic #romancenovels #romance #romancereads #romancebooks #romancenovelrecommendations #RomanceRecommendations #bookish #books #booksuggestions #bookrecommendations #bookrecommendation #readingrecommendation #bookstoread #booktoread #reading #SpreadingTheWord #fromjesstoyou #FromJesstoYouServices #frommetoyou #FromMetoYouVideoPhotographyBookReviews #FromMetoYouPhotography #FromMetoYouBookReviews #FromMetoYouVideo #jessbooktube #booktube #BookBlogger #BookReviewer #virtualassistant #socialmediamanager #personalassistant #videographer #photographer #bookblog #professionalreviewer #reviewer #bookpromoter #romancereader #ireadromance #romancetube #romancetuber #RomanceBooktubers #RomanceBooktuber #smallbooktuber #smallyoutuber #websitecoordinator

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Feasted On: Legacy Series, Book 1

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 852 KB | Release Date: October 2009 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing

"Alexandra's Legacy" [Legacy Series, Book 1] by N. J. Walters

My Book Summary : Alexandra (Alex) thought that today would be just an ordinary day for her, until a man named Joshua rushes into her father's garage saying he's come to take her to a place called Wolf Creek, and she finds that there are some things about her heritage that her father has been keeping quite about. Now Alex's father explains to her that he is actually a werewolf, making her a half-breed and what she's been feeling lately is her going into "heat" soon. Then to top it off because of her going into heat all of the single male wolves within a 100 radius (or more) start tracking her fighting for the right to be her mate, and then there are some people/wolves who are coming after her just because she's a half-breed and don't think she should exist.

Of course after this was all explained to her, they (her father, Joshua, and her) get ambushed in her dad's home by those very people/wolves that are either out to kidnap or kill her. So, they split up in hopes of out running the killers, her father going one way while Joshua and her are going another but both planning on heading to the Wolf Creek pack in North Carolina. While on the run Joshua and Alex have a growing attraction between them, but Joshua plans on trying to keep that attraction at bay until he reaches his pack so he'll be able to publicly claim her as his mate.

Will all three of them make it safely to Wolf Creek before their enemies get them? Will Alex be accepted into the Wolf Creek pack warmly and will she want to embrace her wolf?

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars!! I saw this book recommended to me on Amazon for a while, and I'm soo happy that I finally decided to read it!! It was an entertaining & sweet book! I loved the relationships between Alex & her father, as well as the growing relationship between Alex & Joshua! Plus, I really liked the since of community that James (Alex's dad) found he had when everything/everyone started coming at them ... it was truly heartwarming. Then add in a little heat between Alex & Joshua to read about and you got one happy reader on your hands. =0)

Book Teaser(s) :
Joshua grinned even as he growled into the receiver. "Your day couldn't have been as bad as mine so shut up and listen."
The man on the other end snorted. "I saw just how hard your day was, little brother. I saw you talking with the woman in an alleyway this morning. If you're smart, you'll claim that woman you've been running all over town with. Fuck her so long and hard, she'll never want any other wolf but you." He paused. "It's what I'd do if I were in your position."
"You're not in my position." The thought of his brother fucking Alex brought a red haze to his eyes. "It wouldn't be fair to Alex."
"And you're all about honor, are you not, my brother?" ~ within Chapter 9

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by N. J., then please check out her website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts. Basically Jess earns from qualifying purchases.
More specifically Jess partners those websites' programs and you should be aware that they may collect personal information when you interact with their sites. The collection and use of this information is subject to their own privacy policies.
You can check out Rakuten Marketing's privacy policy here:

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Hashtags: #bookreview #bookreviews #review #NJWalters #AlexandrasLegacy #LegacySeries #SamhainPublishing #AdultRomance #AdultFiction #paranormalmaincharacters #paranormal #paranormalfiction #paranormalromance #PNR #fantasy #fantasyromance #halfbreed #WolfCreek #NorthCarolina #NCnovels #werewolf #werewolves #werewolfromance #romancewithwerewolves #Shapeshifter #ShapeshifterRomance #shifters #shifterromancenovels #romancenovels #romance #romancereads #romancebooks #romancenovelrecommendations #RomanceRecommendations #quickread #novellas #novella #novellarecommendations #SpreadingTheWord #fromjesstoyou #FromJesstoYouServices #frommetoyou #FromMetoYouVideoPhotographyBookReviews #FromMetoYouPhotography #FromMetoYouBookReviews #FromMetoYouVideo #jessbooktube #booktube #BookBlogger #BookReviewer #virtualassistant #socialmediamanager #personalassistant #videographer #photographer #bookblog #professionalreviewer #reviewer #bookpromoter #romancereader #ireadromance #romancetube #romancetuber #RomanceBooktubers #RomanceBooktuber #smallbooktuber #smallyoutuber #websitecoordinator

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Feasted On: Best Intentions [A Ghost Cats Story] by Mandy M. Roth

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 342 KB | Release Date: July 2010 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing

"Best Intentions" [A Ghost Cats Story] by Mandy M. Roth

My Book Summary : All Lillian (Lily) is looking for is a one night stand. She plans on renting a cabin at this establishment she heard her friend mention before, get a room, and hook up with a man for the weekend ... with no strings attached. However, she never expected to find a man like Brayen (Bray), a man who she was attracted to like no other and someone who she might just want to spend more then one night with.

Humans aren't usually able to see his bar and motel from the road, so when Bray sees this sexy human come into his office asking for a cabin to rent for the night he is thrown for a loop. Especially when he starts feeling drawn to her like never before, and even though he knows that he shouldn't let himself get involved with her there is no way he able to keep himself away from her for long.

But by the time the night is over, will Lily still plan that this is only a weekend fling or can Bray convince her that she is the love of his life before it's too late?

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars! The storyline was great! For having it be such a short novel it definitely plays out well, and has surprises you would have first thought in there too. Plus it doesn't hurt that the characters are great to read about, I loved them all ... well except Lewis as he was a jackass. But anyway I hope you'll like this book as much as I did if not more!!

Book Teaser(s) :
"So you're alone?"
Her gaze darted away and her scent changed. She was hiding something or someone. Brayen leaned forward, his hand skating up her arm, making her shiver. "There isn't anyone else, is there?
Her dark eyes widened and her pulse quickened. "W-what?"
"Do you," he stressed, "have someone else at home? A boyfriend maybe?"
She used her free hand to rub her ear as she took a deep breath. "No." ~ within Chapter 2

For more information on this book, series and/or any other books by Mandy, then please check out her website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts. Basically Jess earns from qualifying purchases.
More specifically Jess partners those websites' programs and you should be aware that they may collect personal information when you interact with their sites. The collection and use of this information is subject to their own privacy policies.
You can check out Rakuten Marketing's privacy policy here:

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Hashtags: #bookreview #bookreviews #review #MandyMRoth #BestIntentions #GhostCats #GhostCatsSeries #mandyroth #ReaganHawk #KennedyKovit #RoryMichaels #ElleSpencer #AdultRomance #AdultFiction #paranormalmaincharacters #paranormal #paranormalfiction #paranormalromance #PNR #Shapeshifter #ShapeshifterRomance #shifters #shifterromancenovels #pumas #pumashifter #pumashifters #romancewithpumas #Cougars #MountainLions #Panthers #Cougarshifters #MountainLionshifters #Panthershifters #romancewithCougars #romancewithMountainLions #romancewithPanthers #quickread #novellas #novella #novellarecommendations #steamyreads #smuttyreads #smuttybooks #smuttynovels #eroticnovels #eroticromance #Erotica #sexualescapades #sexytimes #romancenovels #romance #romancereads #romancebooks #romancenovelrecommendations #RomanceRecommendations #SpreadingTheWord #fromjesstoyou #FromJesstoYouServices #frommetoyou #FromMetoYouVideoPhotographyBookReviews #FromMetoYouPhotography #FromMetoYouBookReviews #FromMetoYouVideo #jessbooktube #booktube #BookBlogger #BookReviewer #virtualassistant #socialmediamanager #personalassistant #videographer #photographer #bookblog #professionalreviewer #reviewer #bookpromoter #romancereader #ireadromance #romancetube #romancetuber #RomanceBooktubers #RomanceBooktuber #smallbooktuber #smallyoutuber #websitecoordinator

Friday, August 13, 2010

Made the Grade: Forces of Nature Series, Book 2

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 523 KB | Release Date: August 2010 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing

"Whirlpool" [Forces of Nature Series, Book 2] by Vivian Arend

My Book Summary : Chelsea has wanted to be with Braden for as long as she can remember, but other than the occasional flirt, he has kept her at arms length, more so now than ever before. However, over the past year he has been keeping the other guys from Jaffrey’s Cove (and their pod) away from her too, since he doesn't want anyone else to have her either, even though the people in their community (the merfolk) are known to share their females with one other man besides themselves. Yet every time Braden thinks of sharing Chelsea with any other guy, jealousy sweeps through him.

Chelsea has a plan though ... when Jamie comes into their life to help sort/catalog the items in Alexis' (the pod's ruler) house she plans to have some fun with him to make Braden get jealous enough to want to have more with her. However, soon a friendship blooms between Jamie and Chelsea, and now she's thinking about starting something up with him. Yet she's scared about losing out on Braden too.

But when they find that everyone has an instant connection to each other ... the heat turns up another notch!

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars, in truth if I didn't enjoy the sex scenes then I probably would have given this a 2 out of 5 stars. The plot was kinda dumb, but I did enjoy finding out more about the merfolk from Jaffrey’s Cove and their society. The characters were okay, but I enjoyed reading from Jamie's view point the best, mostly because I like that he was finding out all about their world.

For the most part the only way you won't enjoy reading the book on some level is if you don't like reading about gay love/lovemaking. Since yes they have a threesome (more than once), but since the guys aren't related (like they were in the first novel) they get into some kissing and more with each other. Therefore, if you aren't okay with reading that type of thing then I don't recommend this book for you.

I hope that once this series grows up a bit more the author will decide on writing a book about Thomas. Since he made an appearance in the first book and this one, so I can't wait to read his story. =0)

My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 1

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Wolf Games

Book Teaser(s) :
"Who the hell made you my moral adviser? Is it your job to go around seeing that all the merfolk are screwing only approved partners? I've heard about every one of your exploits, and you have the balls to say sex with me would be wrong? Don't be suck a fucking hypocrite. Face it, Braden either you want me or you don't."
She held out her arms and pivoted on the spot, letting her arms rise about her head until she was back facing him, breast thrust forward, legs parted. He stared at her, still expressionless and she gave up. Her heart was breaking inside as she lowered her arms. ~ within Chapter 4

For more information on this book, series and/or any other books by Vivian, then please check out her website.

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